Weekend listening and watching tips – BILDblog

Well, finally the weekend – and thus more time to listen and watch! In our Saturday edition, we bring you a selection of recommended movies and podcasts related to the media. Enjoy gaining knowledge and entertainment!


1. 13 Questions: Hate on the Internet
(zdf.de, video: 30:03 min)
In the “13 Questions” TV format, the discussion on a controversial topic is turned into a playing field: the participants stand facing each other in the drawn fields, but can move further apart or towards each other during the discussion. The current episode deals with the topic of “hate on the internet” and the question of whether social media needs to be regulated more strictly. There are also: Electra Pain (Drag Queen), Hans Block (Director), Canel Ataman (Artist and Activist), Diana zur Löwen (Influencer, Entrepreneur and Author), Linus Neumann (Chaos Computer Club), Maya El Awad (Lawyer ). and editor at iRights).

2. Koi Bono: WTF happened to Ken Gibsen?
(ardaudiothek.de, audio: a six-part series)
We recommended the six-part podcast after posting two episodes, and it’s now fully available for download. Hence renewed listening advice: the series about Ken Gibson’s transformation from an aspiring radio presenter to a notorious conspiracy ideologist is very convincingly executed. Manufacturers spoke to many modern witnesses and are clearly trying to paint as multifaceted a picture as possible of the person Jebsen.

3. Wild Wild Web – The Story of Die Kim Dotcom
(br.de, Janne Knödler & Benedikt Dietsch & Simon Garschhammer & André Dér-Hörmeyer, voice, six-part series)
An entertaining and informative six-part feature about one of Germany’s most colorful entrepreneurs and media personalities: “Kim Dotcom was Germany’s most famous computer expert, then the super-rich operator of the Megaupload platform and is now one of the stalkers of the US judiciary. Pictures of his arrest in New Zealand have spread.” around the world. Will Kim Dotcom have to go to prison for the rest of his life? And what does his case have to do with internet freedom?”

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4. Strength of platforms
(techundtrara.podigee.io, Moritz Stoll, audio: 1:05:11 h)
The “Tech-und-Trara” podcast invited cultural and media researcher, non-fiction author and journalist Michael Seaman, who appeared in his latest book Platform power Discussed: How can platforms be defined? What types of platforms are there? And what power do they have?

5. The press responsible for the conflict
(youtube.com, DJV NRW, Sascha Fobbe, audio: 31:24 min)
The current edition of the NRW podcast addresses the question of what journalists should pay attention to when they talk or write about conflicts and crises. The key word is: conflict sensitive journalism. This means “that even disputes are fairly and correctly reported, that all parties have their say and that journalists are aware of their potential preconceptions about a topic. The choice of language and images must also be considered. Ignoring common quality standards can have serious consequences in conflict issues, and the means of The media then contribute to the extremism of the discourse.”

6. Notification failure due to flood
(funk.net, Walulis Daily, Video: 12:06 Minuten)
Philip Wallis reports on the current natural disaster in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate. It also deals with the role of politicians and their media appearance. Of course, in the usual way, the usual irony…

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