YouTube removes misleading videos about all vaccines

YouTube is removing videos spreading misinformation about all vaccines as it cracks down on harmful content posted during the coronavirus pandemic.

From Wednesday’s video streaming site, What has already been banned from the lies of Covid JabContent that contains incorrect information, for example, claims that an approved vaccine is dangerous, causes chronic health problems, or does not reduce the spread of disease are removed.

Under previous guidelines, the platform – virtually invisible – has reduced videos that spread misinformation about non-Covid vaccines or encourage a reluctance to vaccines.

Last year, YouTube imposed a ban on misleading videos related to the Covid vaccine, and has since removed 130,000 pieces of content. Google-owned YouTube has removed a total of 1 million videos spreading public Covid lies since the outbreak of the pandemic.

Matt Halperin, director of global trust and security at YouTube, said misinformation about vaccines has been a global problem and has expanded as falsehoods spread about Covid strikes.

“Disinformation about vaccines is happening all over the world, and it is happening in all countries and cultures,” he said.

Halperin added that falsehoods about measles, mumps and rubella vaccines causing autism are an example of misinformation targeted by YouTube.

“There are still a lot of challenges around MMR and people are arguing about whether it causes autism. And as we know, the science is very stable and vaccines do not cause autism.

Halprin said the ban would also apply to content that claims vaccines cause cancer or sterility, or contain microchips, the latter of which have gained prominence as falsehoods about Covid infections, for example.

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In 2019, a A large study confirms this Lack of link between autism and measles, mumps and rubella amid growing skepticism about a pre-coronavirus vaccine across social media and anti-government populists. Research published by the American College of Physicians in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that “the hypothesis of an increased risk of autism after measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination in an unselected group of Danish children is not supported.”

Halprin said the new guidelines will continue to allow for personal testimonies about vaccine use, discussions of vaccine guidelines, and references to historical errors in vaccine programs, as long as the content does not contain widespread misinformation or encourage hesitation about the vaccine. In addition to presenting lies about vaccines for specific diseases such as hepatitis, the guidelines also cover general misleading statements about vaccines.

On Wednesday, a paper titled “The MMR Vaccine Autism Vaccine” published a results page containing refutations of the link between the vaccine and autism, including a video titled “Vaccines and Autism: How the Myth Began.” However, the page also includes a TV interview with actor Robert De Niro in which he states that Vaxxed, a documentary directed by Andrew Wakefield—one of the key figures in promoting the distorted links between MMR and autism—is a movie.people have to seeDe Niro was interviewed in 2016 after the Tribeca Film Festival pulled the show Vaxxed following the backlash against the film.

Follow YouTube Move a Facebook’s decision last year To remove false claims about Covid vaccines once they have been debunked by public health experts.

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