What kind of little creature that appears next knocks him out

What kind of little creature that appears next knocks him out

Rory Foley, who is currently renovating a mansion in New Zealand, sat in front of the TV last week after work. Suddenly an owl appeared.

New Zealand – The encounter simply stunned him, he says himself: Rory Foley, who is currently renovating a mansion in New Zealand, sat in front of the TV last week after work was done. Suddenly he heard a noise coming from the cat’s flap. A little later, a little owl walked by and settled next to Foley. The next day, the restorer was baffled to find that he was not with this restorer curious The meeting must remain.

Rory Foley on a Facebook selfie.

Rory Foley on a Facebook selfie. © Facebook/Screenshot/Rory Foley

In a Facebook post, Foley spoke last weekend with a photo of his visitor. Among other things, he wrote: “For the past three months I have had an owl in the tree next to my bedroom. I called him Mr. Hoot. (…) Tonight while I was watching TV, he came and sat on the sofa!”

Animal Journal dodo I found out about the funny story this week and wanted to know more. At this point, Foley had had more fun moments with the owl over the past few days.

The man says, “He comes around 11pm and we talk a bit. I stay away from him until he feels safe. I leave the window open. He often leaves at 6am, and goes back to his favorite nut tree.”

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whether with animal It’s all right, Foley has checked it out in the meantime. The little boy, who mistakes his human friend for a cub, is said to be in the best of health.

This little owl is now a regular in Foley's living room.

This little owl is now a regular in Foley’s living room. © Facebook/Screenshot/Rory Foley

“He’s flying around the site at the moment and he’s very happy,” said Foley. “It is likely that he will soon find Mrs. Hoot and start his life.” Until then, Owl is welcome to continue resting on his couch.

The animal guest can also evolve in a completely different direction. Other media outlets have reportedly already expressed interest in the story, Foley wrote on Facebook Thursday.

Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that the owl will become a small animal celebrity.

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