Warzone Urzikstan: All secret cache locations

Warzone Urzikstan: All secret cache locations

Ludovic Quinson

Warzone's Urzikstan map is filled with premium loot stashes, including big cash rewards, weapons, and more. So find out where you can find all these secret stashes.

Securing premium loot from the start of a Warzone match is essential to increasing your chances of survival. Although supply chests are the obvious choice, Urzikstan also has plenty of secret stashes that offer high-quality items.

Given the massive size of the Battle Royale map, it's essential to know the locations of all of these hideouts. This knowledge is valuable not only during the early game launch of the plane, but also throughout the game.

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While action players have discovered many of these bunkers, and pro player WarsZ recently shared an effective route to quickly access many of them, another player has put together a comprehensive map highlighting all the secret bunkers of Urzikstan.

So, here's where to find all the secret bunkers on the Urzikstan map in Warzone.

Locations of all secret bunkers on the Urzikstan map in Warzone

Thank you user Warzone Tac MapPlayers can now access every secret hideout location on the Urzikstan map. This map contains more than 70 different locations where players can find valuable resources.

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If you are looking for the best landing spots, we recommend landing here Orlov military baseto Seaport area Or at the top Zaravan suburbs. Choosing these drop-offs gives you access to at least four caches per location, allowing you to collect a good amount of cash and loot in just minutes.

However, be wary of potential opponents who may land alongside you, vying for the high-value loot stored in these caches.

To learn more about Warzone, be sure to check out our other guides:

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