Volcanoes in New Zealand – Arte

Volcanoes in New Zealand – Arte

Nature + travel, nature + environment

Volcanoes in New Zealand

New Zealand is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire. Super volcanoes culminate there, and erupt again and again – as happened recently on White Island, where the eruption of an underwater volcano killed humans. Scientists are looking for prevention – in addition to lava caves and volcanic islands, they are also discovering a unique world of animals. Auckland is the economic capital of New Zealand. There are about 50 dormant volcanoes under the city that will erupt again one day, that’s for sure. Lava caves meander beneath the Earth’s surface, including Stewarts Cave. Geologists watch for outcrops there to predict possible volcanic eruptions. On the cave walls they discovered a colony of glowing fungi and bacteria feeding on nutrient-rich volcanic rocks. Volcanoes cannot be tamed, yet they create new life. On the volcanic island of Little Barrier, the tuatara, a descendant from the time of the dinosaurs, finds a forest devoid of natural enemies such as introduced mammals. Kakapo also lives there, a flightless parrot that smells of honey during the mating season, which is not only extremely intelligent, but also eccentric, playful and stubborn, almost human-like. Volcanoes formed New Zealand. In the south, the Southern Alps brace against the clouds. To this day, earthquakes push rocks upward. At the foot of the Alps lies Fiordland, the country’s largest national park, with Mount Titiroa as its landmark. It is a granite mountain dating back to first time researchers. It could be as old as the earth itself.

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