Trains like One Punch Man, his transformation is amazing

Trains like One Punch Man, his transformation is amazing

Who does not know One guy punch And his no less famous hero, Saitama? A bald man in a yellow and red suit does not look pretty, But the one who sleeps in him is a terrifying force. Although it is Almost invincible, We still find 5 Anime characters are strong enough to conquer. In 2016, the Frenchman had a crazy idea to pursue Saitama training: We talk about it here. This idea, which many internet users have adopted over time, has allowed a specific Youtuber To transform his body to an amazing level!

Massive one-year challenge

YouTube user as Jogoku Dera Jorn Maru Achieve an amazing feat. In fact, the latter closely followed Saitama’s training One guy punchAnd the All this for a year ! As a reminder, this consists of an implementation 100 pushups, 100 squats and 10 km sprints every day, no exception. The result is clear: User went from 82.7 kg to 57.6 kg! In addition, his transformation is impressive. At first plump, he melted completely and is now an athlete Dehydrated body. We let you discover this amazing transformation below:

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