Toyota Corolla reaches 2 million km with the same engine

Toyota Corolla reaches 2 million km with the same engine

The small Toyota Corolla is not yet 30 years old, but it has already broken records. As I mentioned New Zealand HeraldThe vehicle just passed the 2 million km mark. The car, owned by Graeme Hebley, had only shown 80,000 kilometers on the odometer 22 years ago when he bought it used. But with his business of delivering newspapers, created in the 1960s, the man was inflamed.

Originally, he says, a Toyota pickup in Tokyo was used to deliver french fries. Then she came to New Zealand. Since he still travels more than 5,000 kilometers a week today, he does maintenance on the car every two weeks, so that there are no unpleasant surprises. And if the steering belt has been changed at least twenty times, as well as the wheels, then this is not the case for the engine and transmission. He likes to say that the car remains the same.

Never get tired of the road

For the guy who deals with car maintenance, this Corolla condition is pretty rare. Says NZ Herald : “If she hadn’t been responsible, I wouldn’t have believed it. I would never have believed it had gone two million kilometers without anything going wrong.” For him, several factors explain its longevity, such as frequent maintenance and the way Graem Hebley takes care of it. “The Toyotas of that era were really very reliable,” he adds.

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Despite having covered nearly three million kilometers since the start of his career, Graeme Hebley clearly doesn’t have enough. “How can you not love this car,” he says. And he adds, “Whatever I do, the car comes back on. And it might just survive me.” In France, the capital reported the state of the Peugeot 307 on the verge of exceeding one million kilometers. Its driver waits to cross this threshold and hopes to make it to the Sochaux factory, where it was made, as a final wink.