Today’s best documentaries: “Mountain life around Lake Wolfgang” and “Bregenzerwald with Hermann Mayer”

Today’s best documentaries: “Mountain life around Lake Wolfgang” and “Bregenzerwald with Hermann Mayer”

Looking for Documentary Tips for Friday? We have selected for you the best recommendations from the TV show. Today’s Reportage: Here you’ll find an overview of really valuable TV shows. his job!

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Today is Friday, you are looking for instant messages Free TV? From 12:10 pm you can expect the most beautiful documentaries on TV. Relax and have fun. These are our documentary recommendations:

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Documentation: “Mountain life around Lake Wolfgang” (12:10 pm on 3 Sat)

One of the most scenic in Salzkammergut, the area around Lake Wolfgang, is home to a long mountain farming tradition. Peter Berenger visited people in this area. His film shows how patriotism, loyalty to tradition, and piety combined to form an exemplary character. In Winkl on the shore of Lake Wolfgang, agricultural work also comes to the fore at the Benedictine monastery Gut Aich.

These documents on 3 saturday It takes 45 minutes.

Documentation: “The Bregenzerwald with Hermann Mayer” (3:15pm 3sat)

Rugged mountain formations, a unique cultural spectacle in the middle of an almost untouched wilderness: ski legend Hermann Meyer explores Bregenzerwald in western Austria. The film shows the beauty of the mountainous world and its valleys that descend slowly into Lake Constance. From the rugged Arlberg Formations, it passes through Widderstein Mähder to Kanisfluh, where a special system of tiered cultivation has been developed.

This documentary lasts on 3sat 45 minutes.

Documentary: “The Prairie” (6:30 pm Arte time)

In the heart of North America is a vast open meadow – the Great Northern Plains. Endless grass pastures as far as the eye can see – but this wilderness is seriously threatened today. A team of dedicated scientists and farmers attempts to conserve the prairie ecosystem and its classic flora and fauna out of national parks. And with your active support, the wild is back.

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These documents on Kindly It takes 50 minutes.

Reportage: “Re: With Body and mind” (7:40pm on Arte)

Civilization makes you sick! Our bodies are in fact still programmed for life as hunters and gatherers. But can we restore the skills of our ancestors? Sports coach Matthias Novak is convinced of this. His “cognitive training” should not only increase physical performance, but also increase focus and responsiveness.

Reportage on Aarti lasts 35 minutes.

If you are looking for exciting movies, series or other sports programs in TV show, you will find them in our section the news Many TV recommendations.

TV program data from the FUNKE media group was used to create this article. If you have any comments or feedback, please contact [email protected].

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