Then the Marvel series will move to Disney +

Then the Marvel series will move to Disney +

Marvel seriesreckless“,”Luke Cage“,”Jessica JonesAnd more on Netflix in the future, but on Disney+. The move has now been scheduled.

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Disney+ increased its offering in one fell swoop with “Daredevil MarvelAnd another superhero series previously seen on Netflix. This includes “Jessica Jones” and “The Punisher”.

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Disney+ just announced the Marvel series finale… Read more”

from 29 June 2022 Disney+ subscribers can access the new, expanded show in their media library. Expansion of the show was previously restricted nationwide, so initially only Disney+ customers in the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand had access to the Marvel series – but now they’re also coming to Germany.

Also interesting:

Marvel: The terms of the contract brought about abstinence

Marvel’s contract with Netflix included a clause that prevented title characters from appearing in a non-Netflix series or movie “for at least two years after cancellation.”

That deadline has now passed, allowing Charlie Cox to reprise his role as Matt Murdock in Spider-Man: No Way From Home last December, three years after Daredevil was canceled. That same week, Vincent Donofrio made his debut as Wilson Fisk aka Kingpin in the Disney + Hawkeye series.

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