The twisted nut has a handmade peanut spread

The twisted nut has a handmade peanut spread

By Isabel Pancic

This business idea came about in Berlin about 17,000 kilometers away: Corby Lovell (28 years old) sells handmade peanut butter at the “Twisted Nut” in Prenzlauer Berg!

My family has a coffee shop in North Auckland, New Zealand. “We needed something else to go with our breakfast menu,” Lovell says.

So he started making his own peanut butter in his food processor. Then he filled the cream into small jars and put it in the family-run café. Soon it was sold out!

Today he produces his successful peanut butter here in Berlin. And it’s not only delicious, but healthy too!

“It contains many nutrients such as proteins, good fats and more than 30 different vitamins and minerals,” says the 28-year-old. This is why legumes are called a “superfood.” All of the products in “Twisted Nut” are also vegan.

Peanuts should be roasted like coffee beans. The glass is available from €6.90 (Photo: Ralph Gunther) Photo: Günther

“All it takes to make good peanut butter is simple, healthy, and natural ingredients,” says the New Zealand native.

The shop in Prenzlauer Berg offers four different creams: Light Roast, Dark Roast, Silky Smooth, and Almond Butter. Nuts need to be roasted like coffee beans. “We probably have the only homemade peanut butter from Germany,” Lovell says.

Peanut Butter is now also available in Hamburg, Frankfurt, Stuttgart and Munich from €6.90. or simply online at

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