The giant Galapagos tortoise, believed to be extinct 100 years ago, has resurfaced!

The giant Galapagos tortoise, believed to be extinct 100 years ago, has resurfaced!

It was thought to be extinct forever: researchers have just confirmed that Tortoise Giant Found in 2019 on Fernandina Island Belongs toOcean Chelonoidis phantasticus, The last recorded sample in the Galapagos Islands in 1906. Yale University released the results of the analysis Hereditary From the turtle and confirmed that to her ADN Matches well with the sample of 1906. George, the last representative of Chelonoidis AbingdoniAnd the He passed away without grandchildren in 2012 Failed to mate with females of similar species.

Giant turtle Chelonoidis phantasticus he is Endemic From Fernandina, uninhabited island with an area of ​​638 km2 From the Galapagos Islands, a The archipelago It is famous for its volcanic region in the Pacific Ocean wild animals And its unique plants in the world. Out of fifteen species Giant turtle Endemic to the Galapagos Islands, two of them have become extinct and twelve are threatened with extinction (the fifteenth has not been officially described yet). About 100 years old, the female turtle now lives in a breeding center on Santa Cruz Island, as scientists determined that it does not have enough food in the area where it lives. Another expedition is already scheduled for Fernandina Island to search for other specimens. If so, it would be possible to consider breeding: a turtle can live up to 200 years, so that still leaves good years for our centenary turtle.

Turtles were found two years ago on the island of Fernandina in the archipelago of the Galapagos Islands (Ecuador) and are a species of Chelonoidis phantasticus. © Guardian

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