Stephen Hawking’s archives will be preserved in Cambridge and his office rebuilt at the Science Museum in London

Stephen Hawking’s archives will be preserved in Cambridge and his office rebuilt at the Science Museum in London

The British astrophysicist is especially best known for his popular book A Brief History of Time. By having all of its archives, England wants to honor the man as much as the scholar.

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More than 10,000 pages were bound by the famous British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, who died in 2018 at the age of 76, will be archived at the University of Cambridge Library, and his office will be rebuilt next year at the Science Museum in London. In this mountain of documents, there is scholarly work of course, but there is much more, like this letter addressed to his father by his thesis director. Hawking was 22 years old. The professor writes about his happiness in supervising his work and admits: “I am in the process of learning from it.”.

Stephen Hawking’s written notebooks allow scientists to enter into the logic of the man they present as a genius. This is what Dr Jessica Gardner, Head of the University of Cambridge Library, says: “Cambridge is where we made discoveries that changed the world.”

“It’s great that you complete the Triad: Newton, Darwin, and Hawking.”

Jessica Gardner, Head of the University of Cambridge Library

To franceinfo

Stephen Hawking was a gambler and with some colleagues set out to take on daring challenges in his business. The titles were horrendously complicated, but the risks are as simple as subscribing to the magazine Penthouse Which must have given it to a fellow physicist.

We’ll also find his wheelchair at the Science Museum in London as well as his desk completely remodeled with memories of the Simpsons in which he appeared, as well as from Monty Python, who sang it to him, using the vocal synthesizer he used. Allows to express himself. These archives are intended to immortalize his wonderful knowledge and spirit.

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