The “Avatar 2” film crew receives a border crossing permit

The “Avatar 2” film crew receives a border crossing permit

Many foreign workers remain stranded following New Zealand's border closure, issued on 16 March. But two crew members left Los Angeles, including the film crew symbol picture 2However, it landed on New Zealand soil on Sunday.

“It seems like not everyone is being treated the same way. There are bound to be a lot of small businesses wondering if the rules differ depending on who is involved.” Opposition MP from the National Party, Judith Collins, regrets: Quoted from the New Zealand news site Things.

“Working for 600 New Zealanders”

If some regret these exceptional measures, Ian Cosar, from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, cites the positive repercussions of these portrayals, “Which is expected to provide work for approximately 600 New Zealanders.” writing Things. He also stressed strict adherence to health measures: the 56 new arrivals, including director James Cameron and his producer Jon Landau, begin a two-week period in a hotel in the capital, Wellington.

New Zealand was relatively spared

The fact remains that many sectors of the economy suffer from the forced exile of part of their workforce. “Informs Tom Hargreaves, a dairy farmer RNZ His frustration with the team's visionsymbol picture He was allowed to enter the territory, but not his deputy, who remained in Uruguay. […] His absence forces his colleagues to work overtime.” Writes the British daily newspaper Watchman.

New Zealand has been relatively spared from the Covid-19 pandemic, with just under 1,500 cases and 22 deaths recorded. On the other hand, Los Angeles is one of the hardest-hit areas in the United States, he recalls Things. As of Tuesday, June 2, there have been 2,362 deaths there, 100 times more than in New Zealand.

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