She fakes her own kidnapping and plays her husband’s ransom to the lottery

She fakes her own kidnapping and plays her husband’s ransom to the lottery

A man came to the police station in Badalon, Catalonia (Spain) the night of October 4 to report the disappearance of his wife. The victim was reportedly kidnapped and the husband received a request
ransom 6000 euros.

Then the independent police Mossos d’Esquadra opened an investigation Catalan, Report Diary de Girona Relayed by independent. A few hours later, without news of the 47-year-old victim, the police summoned a unit specialized in it

A trick already known in Spain

These agents soon realized that the Catalan had not been kidnapped at all. She has already organized herself to kidnap In order to extract money from her husband. The 40-year-old was found in good condition in the playroom, and she was getting ready to play
Lotto Part of the amount her husband paid for her ransom.

She was arrested on charges of “simulating crime and extortion” and brought before the prosecution and then released under judicial supervision. The date of his ruling has not yet been determined. according to Diary de GironaThis trick will be used regularly in Spain.

Therefore, the authorities would like to recall that searches require significant human and material resources, and that any false crime or crime is punishable by law. Catalan law enforcement officials also noted that current technical devices make it increasingly difficult to simulate a kidnapping.

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