Pucci, Italy dominate the World Cup in Alassio!  They’re gone already, but it’s not over… – OA Sport

Pucci, Italy dominate the World Cup in Alassio! They’re gone already, but it’s not over… – OA Sport

Last day of the World Cup in Alassio: In the presence of Prince Albert II of Monaco Contests end in this which is one of the main pearls of Liguria, with regard to the tourism sector.

The presence of Albert II is also due to the fact that the teams that will win the glories of the world (in terms of male and female couples) will receive the Prince of Monaco Cup.

Italy has already won these two races, with Luigi Gratabaglia and Simon Nari in one case and with Valentina Bassi and Francesca Carlini at the end. But these are not the only blue stands in the context of construction.

In fact, there will be two Gold Finals available for increased loot, and two more for Bronze, within this full-day program listed below.

single ladies
Katrina Venturini (ITA) vs Romina Bolati (Argentina) 9-7 (Venturini in the final)
Maud Road (SVI) – Magdalena Stryowska (SVK) 13-4

Men’s Singles
Josep Glavinic (Boss) – Peruvian Copella (CRO) 4-13
Yor Kozhik (SLO) vs Guillermo Montemerlo (Argentina) 9-5

female couple
Valentina Passi – Francesca Carlini (ITA) vs Carolina Bagrich – Nicole Marelja Bosenjak (CRO) 8-7
Gold Medal: Valentina Passi – Francesca Carlini (ITA).
silver medal: Carolina Bagrich – Nicole Marielja Bosenjak (CRO)
Bronze Medal: Tadeja Petric – Polona Zule (SLO) and Carla Cabrera – Romina Bolatti (ARG)

male couple
Luigi Gratabaglia – Simon Nare (ITA) vs Sebastien Pillay – Grégory Chirat (FRA) 6-3
Gold Medal: Luigi Gratabaglia-Simon Nare (ITA).
silver medal: Sebastien Pillay – Grégory Chirat (FRA)
Bronze Medal: Gregor Sefer-Tadig Primro (SLO) and Peru Copella-Marino Milisevic (CRO)

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Fast shooting in pairs
Final at 12:00
Barbara Barthet – Anael Barazzotti (France) – Rhea Vojkovic – Carolina Bagrich (CRO)
Bronze Medal: Serena Traversa – Marica Dipetris (ITA) Melissa Polito – Sabrina Polito (CIL)

single ladies
Final at 14:00
Katrina Venturini (ITA) Opposite Maud Road (all)
Bronze Medal: Romina Bolati (Argentina) and Magdalena Strehovska (SVK)

Men’s Singles
Final at 14:00
Peru Copila (CRO) – Jure Kozjek (SLO)
Bronze Medal: Josep Glavinec (Boss) and Guillermo Montemerlo (Argentina)

accurate shot
Final at 16:00
Bukit Ozturk (Turkey) – Pauline Guillod (France)
Bronze Medal: Fethiye Targui (MD) and Sabrina Polito (CIL)

mixed couple
4:45 pm
Francesca Carlini – Luigi Grattapaglia (ITA): clothing, clothing accessories vs Ria Vujkovic – Marin Kopila (CRO)
Bronze Medal: Elizabeth Chouizi – David Tedesco (Moon) and Lamia Issawi – Karim Makhloufi (Algeria)

progressive photography
Final 6:45 pm
Barbara Barthet (France) – Ency Issy Ozturk (England)
Bronze Medal: Serena Traversa (ITA). And Nina Volshina (SLO)

Photo: FIB – Italian Bocce Federation

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