Polisario leader emerges from “danger”.

Polisario leader emerges from “danger”.

A senior Sahrawi official told AFP on Sunday that the leader of the Polisario Front, Ibrahim Ghali, who was transferred to hospital in Spain after being infected with the Coronavirus, is “recovering” and “far from any danger.” “The doctors assure that he has passed the critical condition and that he is far from any danger.”“He is recovering well and his condition is developing positively,” said the senior official, who requested anonymity.

The hospitalization in April of an institution in Logroño (northern Spain) by the president of the self-proclaimed Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) caused a diplomatic crisis between Morocco and Spain, followed this week by an immigration crisis with an unprecedented influx of expatriates. Thousands of Moroccan immigrants in Ceuta, Spain.

At the origin of the migration crisis

Morocco, in a conflict with the Polisario Front in the former Spanish colony of Western Sahara for decades, called for a “transparent” investigation into the “fraudulent” entry of Mr. Ghali into Spain. On Friday, sources from the Spanish Foreign Ministry told Europa Press that Mr. Ghali did not arrive in Spain with a forged passport and claimed that he traveled with his passport, which meets “the requirements. Normal.”

At the age of 75, Ibrahim Ghali was elected on July 9, 2016 at the head of the SADR and the Polisario Front, which is fighting for the independence of this vast desert region. Sahrawi separatists resumed arms last November in response to a Moroccan military operation in a buffer zone at the far end of the region.

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Western Sahara is considered a “non-self-governing region” by the United Nations in the absence of a final settlement of the issue of its status. Polisario calls for a self-determination referendum planned by the United Nations, while Morocco, which controls more than two-thirds of the territory, proposes an autonomy plan under its sovereignty.

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