Jean-Yves Le Drian warns Israel of “the danger of apartheid” towards its Arab population

Jean-Yves Le Drian warns Israel of “the danger of apartheid” towards its Arab population

The Foreign Minister was a guest on the Grand Jury of RTL LCI Le Figaro.

Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian was the guest of the RTL LCI Le Figaro Grand Jury on Sunday. He particularly returned to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which flared up again in May. Israel and Hamas reached a shaky ceasefire this week. “ For the first time, we saw conflict in Israeli towns », The minister emphasized. “ Communities clashed “He insisted, recalling clashes between Israeli radicals and the country’s Arab minority.

To see, too After the ceasefire, Israel will withdraw its forces to the border with Gaza

This new step in the conflict worries Jean-Yves Le Drian. “ The danger of apartheid is strong if we continue to embrace the logic of one country or the status quo Cautious. Discussions over the creation of a Palestinian state have stalled for years. Hypothesis Began to disappear “The minister continued, referring to the very pro-Israel policy of former President Donald Trump. His successor in the White House, Joe Biden, changed the American position. “ We must start with a policy of small steps », The French Foreign Minister recommended. “ We must ensure that there is a logic of trust that can be established Between the two camps he wished.

For five years, Europe has had to take multilateralism by itself. It plays its result in the Middle East

Jean-Yves Le Drian

Jean-Yves Le Drian is troubled by comments about European impotence in the face of conflict. “ Europe is strong flower. “ For five years, Europe has had to take multilateralism by itself. It plays its result in the Middle East “, He insisted.

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During the interview, the foreign minister reiterated several times that Europe is not helpless in the face of crises. He particularly praised his work during the coronavirus pandemic. He also scratched the British position, saying “ selfishness “Jean-Yves Le Drian was concerned about the spread of the new Indian variant of the virus in the UK. So much so that Britain risked being a target.” Enhanced measures From the European Union to prevent displacement and the spread of the epidemic. This “ Not on the red list But that sounds like a warning. Brexit has consequences …

To see, too Faced with the Indian alternative, Jean-Yves Le Drian does not rule out “somewhat stronger health measures” towards the UK

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