“Please stay home”: Young immigrants put Biden in trouble

“Please stay home”: Young immigrants put Biden in trouble

“Please stay home”
Young immigrants pose problems for Biden

The new US president relaxes Trump’s strict rules and allows minor refugees to cross the border with Texas. The numbers have increased by leaps and bounds since then and Biden has had trouble interpreting. His spokeswoman calls on immigrants to stay in their country. Republicans eat the issue.

In light of the rapid increase in the number of immigrants on the southern border of the United States, the pressure on the administration of Democratic President of the United States, Joe Biden is increasing. During a visit to the border in El Paso, Texas, the top Republican in the US House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, accused Biden of provoking a dramatic exacerbation of the situation on the southern border of the United States through his more liberal immigration policy. McCarthy spoke of “a border crisis in Biden” and invited the president to visit the country in person to learn about the situation.

White House spokeswoman Jane Psaki has urged Central American immigrants not to make their way to the United States for the time being. She defended the Biden government’s policy of not deporting unaccompanied children at the border for humanitarian reasons. Psaki said the government is taking steps to remove unaccompanied minors from custody by border authorities and place them in suitable accommodation as quickly as possible. Psaki has made allegations against the administration of Biden’s Republican predecessor, Donald Trump. Once again, however, she avoided talking about a crisis related to the situation at the border. “We realize this is a big problem,” Psaki said. “The last government left us with a broken and ineffective system.”

The number of minors tripled

Biden came to relax his predecessor’s restrictive immigration policy. For example, weaken the regulation issued under Trump, according to which immigrants can be expelled immediately due to the Corona pandemic. Under Biden, this rule no longer applied to minors. Republicans see this as the reason for the increase in immigration and accuse Biden of encouraging illegal immigration.

Over the next few days, Biden announced trips within the United States, but so far he has not announced any trips to the southern border with Mexico. A few days ago, American media reported that the situation on the border is getting worse. In the USA, unaccompanied minors must be turned over to the Ministry of Health by the Border Police at the latest after 72 hours. According to consistent reports, this process is currently taking much longer. The CBP announced last Wednesday that its employees arrested 100,441 people attempting to cross the southern border in February – 28 percent more than the previous month and nearly three times what it was in February of last year. 72,113 migrants were repatriated. According to the CBP, the number of unaccompanied minors increased from 3,490 in February 2020 to 9,457 last month.

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