NZZ Group: Swallowed RMH Regionalmedien AG

NZZ Group: Swallowed RMH Regionalmedien AG

If the board of directors of RMH Regionalmedien AG has its way, the company should be incorporated into NZZ Regionalmedien AG. Minority shareholders of RMH should be excluded.

RMH Regionalmedien AG originated from subsidiaries NZZ LZ Medien Holding AG and Tagblatt Medien Holding AG. Today, according to Medienmonitor Schweiz, RMH Regionalmedien still owns Tele 1 AG and TVO AG as well as a 50 percent stake in CH Media.

NZZ holds a 97 percent stake in RMH Regionalmedien AG. This is not enough for the media company.

One of NZZ CEO Felix Graff Chairman of the Board of Directors of RMH Regionalmedien, a proposal will be made at the general meeting on May 25 that the company should merge with NZZ Regionalmedien AG.

RMH shareholders, who hold a 3 per cent minority, are not entitled to any shares in the acquiring company, but will be compensated in cash. There are 245 francs per share of RMH, according to an “independent and fair evaluation”.

According to the official statement, the RMH acquisition aims to simplify the equity structure and create “greater freedom of action in difficult times.” Keeping RMH Regionalmedien AG as an independent company with minority shareholders has resulted in “disproportionate expenditures,” as it continues.

Most of the minority shareholders participated in RMH originally with one of the regional media houses in eastern and central Switzerland.

“The original direct reference to regional media has largely disappeared due to the structural change in recent years,” NZZ Group wrote in condolences to the shareholders, who will now be excluded.

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