Nano materials, robotics, and extraordinary visits with CNRS to the Science Festival

Nano materials, robotics, and extraordinary visits with CNRS to the Science Festival

Until October 11, the flag is celebrated on mainland France. Researchers open the doors to their laboratories. They even go even further by organizing real events whose sole purpose is to popularize science. In Lorraine, the National Center for Scientific Research offers extraordinary tours.

If you want to dive into the world of nano, there is a truly exceptional place in Nancy. A nanometer is one billionth of a metre. We are at the DNA strand level. And on this scale, you will discover a whole universe. to me Jean Lamore Institute, You will be able to discover the “tube”. Imagine a 70-meter pipe installed in a longer room. It is a high-tech and unique tool in the world. To enter this room, you must first put on all the equipment of the world. Dust should not interfere with its operation. Moreover, the tube itself operates under a “super vacuum”. In different places of the tube you will be able to see through small windows and moving carts. But the most interesting is not visible to the naked eye. It occurs at the nanoscale. You will be guided by researchers who use this tool. They will explain how it makes it possible to design materials with new properties for applications in mobile phones, in the field of photovoltaics, but also for cancer treatment. This is one of the unusual visits CNRS. But there is so much to discover as part of it Science FestivalThis year it celebrates its thirtieth anniversary.

Also at the Jean Lamour Institute in Nancy you will be able to discover what the analysis of the mortar shells of Notre Dame de Paris reveals. In fact, it is a real scientific investigation that researchers from the Jean Lamour Institute in Nancy with the “Pierre” group of . participated in CNRS To discover the recipe for mortars used in the cathedral by medieval builders. Thursday 14 October, you will be able to attend Jean-Michel Misling Conference.

Robots and Artificial Intelligence for Tomorrow

Epic at the heart of artificial intelligence. That’s what Loria/Inria Creative Lab brings you, a platform that opened in December 2019 dedicated to robotics, artificial intelligence, and electronic physical systems. You will be able to experience the new capabilities of 3D printing, drones used by researchers, learn about humanoid robots, and visit a smart apartment to help the elderly or disabled.

Discover the sources of water on Earth

Go back in time by following the flow of water, a suggestion from the CRPG (Centre for Petrographic and Geochemical Research) in Nancy. The opportunity to discover research conducted on water and travel through its terrestrial and stellar history, narrated by previously conducted studies. The CRPG is a core geological laboratory concerned with the formation and functioning of our planet from the first solids in the Solar System to phenomena of human origin, including the origin of our water. CRPG Scholars give you other appointments. They offer outdoor conferences in connection with the temporary garden at Place Stanislas. The waters of our landscapes and our environment were carved on October 6 or the origin of terrestrial water and why it stayed there on October 10.

Science Bubbles with Peb & Fox

For the sixth year in a row, a book published specifically for the Fête de la science is available throughout France. In the “Science in Bubbles” collection, this book, produced for the 2021 edition is titled “Eureka!” , combines 10 research topics presented in the form of comics. It is signed by the authors of Lauren Peb & Fox.

An improved digital version of the book is available online at Science Festival website. The number of places for extraordinary visits by the CNRS is limited. So it will be necessary to know and reserve.

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