Lee Weir from New Zealand has 41 tattoos of his idol Homer Simpson on his body |  entertainment

Lee Weir from New Zealand has 41 tattoos of his idol Homer Simpson on his body | entertainment

This man appears to be suffering from severe jaundice…

Lee Weir (27 years old) from New Zealand recently entered the Guinness Book of World Records. His nickname: The man with the largest number of tattoos of the same cartoon character.

For many years, Weir has repeatedly tattooed the arm of Homer Simpson – the goofy family man from the “The Simpsons” series. Ware is now 41(!) Homer Simpson – and he even copied his idol’s bald head.

It all started in Lee’s childhood.

Weir: “I was never allowed to watch the series. My father was the real Ned Flanders.” Cause of his parents: Homer Simpson doll. So they did the math without their funny son. Weir: “In retrospect, I always enjoyed watching the series. It’s an incredible feeling to be a world record holder!

Lee’s two-year-old daughter already has a favorite Homer. “She knows every Homer on my arm,” he was quoted as saying by the Daily Mail. “Her favorite is ‘Baby Homer.'”

In total, the massive Simpsons painting took about 25 hours. To prove the authenticity of the tattoo, Lee also had to submit skin reports when applying for entry into the Guinness Book of Records.

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