Kristlin, Gravina is a fighter.

Kristlin, Gravina is a fighter.

The Turin CEO is still a candidate for the FIFA board in Rome (ITALPRESS) – “I would like to see the World Cup in Qatar with Italy, because Russia is still an open wound, and then the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 in two countries I love, Australia and New Zealand.” This came in an interview with “La Gazzetta dello Sport”, by Evelina Kristlin, the first European woman to join the FIFA Council and was reappointed at the upcoming Montreux conference on 20 April. “I am grateful to Gravina and the Federal Council who re-nominated me: we have teamed up with Gabriel, we share our pride in representing Italy – explains the Turin manager – he is a fighter: with the fans on the field for the opening match of the European Championship I achieved a great victory, as Italy is now seventh in the standings. Thanks to the men of Roberto Mancini and the girls of Milena Bartolini, we have taken important steps forward. ” It is easy to say what the following challenges UEFA and FIFA face: “First and foremost, help the federations most affected by the Covid virus: FIFA and the European Union have made a lot of plans that involve significant financial interventions. New was entrusted to Michelle Ufa, and finally to expand with the third cup, to have a wider participation. ” (ITALPRESS). mc / com 16-Apr-21 09:24

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