Fico joins Racing 92 at the end of the season, Nakusi extends to Custer

Marion Clouds, posted on Thursday April 15, 2021 at 9:55 pm

While joining Racing 92 from next season, Gaël Fickou will leave Stade Français earlier than expected and end the season with Ciel et Blancs. Filipo Nakosi and Léo Berdeu are still in the top 14, spanning successively to Castres and Lyon.

A slight change to the Ga forl Fickou program. While the French hub was initially joining Racing 92 at the end of the season, his arrival has been introduced and will end the season with Ciel et Blancs. In fact, according to information from RMC Sport, Released from the French stadium, Vico will join Laurent Travers’s team next week, in particular to compensate for the injury of Henri Chavansi. The French position will falter until 2025 with Racing 92, and thus will find Teddy Thomas, his great friend who can finally survive, and together with Virimi Vakatawa he will form a pair of the most promising, already seen with XV of France under Fabien Galthié. While he had to develop for one last time with Stade Français on Saturday, during the derby at Paris La Défense Arena, that wouldn’t be the case, the match was postponed. Fico will not participate in the match when it is rescheduled following an agreement between the two Parisian clubs.

Nakosi and Perdue stretches, not Higenbotham

Additionally, two of the top 14 players were extended on Thursday. Under a contract until 2022 with Castres, Filipo signed Nakosi for another two years, so he is tied until 2024 with CO. “I feel good in Castries, I love what the club stands for here. It is a real honor to wear this shirt and defend these colors. Everyone welcomed me with open arms, I really found my place.” The Fijian winger replied on the club’s official website: “I feel satisfied and happy To work with this machine and these players on a daily basis. ”For his part, under contract until June 2021, Leo Purdue has extended one year with Lyon.At the age of twenty-two, former inaugural Agen will significantly compete with New Zealander Lima Sopoaga next year. Ultimately, the Purdue Beagle would have chosen not to extend Scott Higgenbotham’s contract, whose contract expires in a few months.According to Southwest. Although it is very good, the third Australian streak appears to be a side victim of staging JIFF’s share in Top 14.

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