Icebreaker Laura Pacey sails to New Zealand

Icebreaker Laura Pacey sails to New Zealand

The Icebreaker Laura Bassi, owned byNational Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics – OGSI left yesterday afternoon from the city of Ravenna, where the stages of loading scientific equipment and materials were completed in light of the new scientific campaign of the Kingdom of Ravenna. National Research Program in Antarctica (PNRA).

He explained that “the ship carried out its first scientific campaign in the North Pole in mid-September and is now ready to participate in the next Italian expedition to Antarctica.” Franco CorinneDirector of the OGS Maritime Infrastructure Management Center. “The icebreaker will follow the shortest route through the Suez Canal, bypassing Sri Lanka and then southern Australia until, after 42 days of navigation, it will reach Lyttelton, New Zealand,” Koren notes.

Laura Pacey will, in fact, share In the 37th Antarctic Expedition of the PNRAFunded by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) and managed by ENEA for Planning and Logistics Organization, as well as by CNR for Scientific Planning and Coordination.

OGS is today The only Italian icebreaker ship for ocean research, and at the moment also the first and only Italian-flagged ship capable of operating in the polar seas, both in Antarctica and the Arctic, in accordance with the new international rules for the arrival of ships in the polar regions (hereinafter – called the “Polar Code”) regulating Many technical aspects that can affect navigation in a remote and difficult environment with harsh and highly vulnerable climatic conditions.

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