Hamburg cats survived Corona

Hamburg cats survived Corona

I am looking for a new home

Hamburg (dpa) – After a negative corona test, two cats managed to leave quarantine at an animal shelter in Hamburg on Saturday.

Chief veterinarian Ort Inkman said the Friedrich Loeffler Institute in Greifswald confirmed the two cats survived the infection.

Then the Harburg County Office lifted the quarantine. The animals were of a Hamburg woman who died after being infected with the Coronavirus, as the Federal Ministry of Agriculture announced after the first positive test.

So far, she added, a total of five cases of corona in cats and two cases in dogs have been reported in Germany. However, there was no evidence of Sars-CoV-2 infection in humans in dogs and cats. Important farm animals such as pigs and chickens cannot be infected.

According to Inkmann, my Hamburg cats had only a mild cold. One of them, which is a tabby red animal, looks very good now. His brown-and-black mate may still have a common cat disease that can occur in animals between the ages of six and ten years. The blood test should provide clarity.

The two neutral kittens have now moved into the mediation area of ​​the animal shelter and are looking for a new home. Since their original names could no longer be understood, they were christened Lolek and Bolek. “They are really cute,” Inkman said. You would have endured all checks including swabs and the scent of antiseptics, without anesthesia.

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