Epidemic control: Corona case: Lockdown in Auckland, New Zealand

Epidemic control: Corona case: Lockdown in Auckland, New Zealand

With around 1.5 million residents, Auckland is New Zealand’s most populous city. Now one coronavirus case has been reported – and the entire city is on the way to lockdown again.

After one new case of corona was reported in Auckland, New Zealand, a lockdown has been imposed for at least one week. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said you know how frustrating it is.

At the moment, it is unclear how the infection appeared, Ardern said. Health authorities are in the process of determining the gene sequence of the discovered Corona virus and tracing contacts. There was already a three-day lockdown in Auckland on February 14 after three new coronavirus cases in a family.

Starting Sunday morning (local time), swimming pools, museums, cinemas and stadiums will be closed in New Zealand’s largest city. Schools remain open, but only provide emergency care. Payments must be made without cash. In the rest of the country, gatherings of more than 100 people are prohibited.

New Zealand is a model country in the Corona pandemic. According to the World Health Organization, cases were discovered in 2016 in the country of 4.8 million people, and 26 people died after a confirmed infection with Corona.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210227-99-618911 / 2 (Dpa)

Press conference with Jacinda Ardern

World Health Organization New Zealand Corona Cases and Fatalities

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