Google Maps is rolling out 4 beautiful new features that will make your life easier while walking

Google Maps is rolling out 4 beautiful new features that will make your life easier while walking

Google Maps will be the subject of a major update, which will bring a lot of interesting new features for hiking and other adventures in the heart of the national parks. We are evaluating.

Google Maps on a Smartphone // Source: Tamas Tuzes-Katai via Unsplash

Google Maps wants to become your primary tool while hiking in large areas, such as national parks. To do this, the map service will add several important new features, which will benefit American users first. Everyone else will get the update in the next few months, on iOS and Android, Read a blog post.

Mountain View wants to make Google Maps the perfect guide, with special reference to the most popular places in the park (attractions, campground, visitor center, trail). The California giant takes the example of Old Faithful, the famous geyser in Yellowstone Park, which benefits from a visual highlight (see photo below).

Facilitate the organization of your hiking trips

By clicking on it, the user has access to the quickest way to get there, but also reviews, photos and videos. You risk missing any element of surprise when spotting it with your own eyes. The main idea is to more easily guide netizens to a point.

Google Maps will also focus on the most popular routes in a large area: they will be easier to discover and follow, thanks to the highlighting effect applied to the entire route. Convenient to specify exactly where it begins and where it ends.

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Many comments will be displayed directly from the community, such as difficulty level or preferred type of activity (walking, running, cycling).

Offline maps for download

The main entrances to the park will be explicitly indicated on Google Maps, again to save you time if your schedule is a little tight. Finally, offline maps can be downloaded with a simple click, so you can find your way even if the network is lost.

In France, there are eleven national parks that are located in mainland France and abroad. We can expect the new Google Maps to be here by the end of 2023.

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