Glory to science

Glory to science

I'm learning, thanks Chained duck, that the former makeup artist of Argentine President Javier Miley, now a lawmaker, has just been appointed head of the Scientific Committee of the House of Representatives. Apparently, it wasn't her makeup skills that got her that promotion. Rather, the extent of his scientific knowledge. In 2019, for example, she explained in a video, “Why governments?The world wants to hide from humanityThat the Earth is flatAnd a great wall of ice surrounds it. Thanks to that, there will now be at least one government in the world that will tell the truth about Earth. What interests me is the story of the ice wall that surrounds it.

I'd like to see some pictures, if that's not too much to ask. Just to see what it looks like. Especially since the ice is melting, due to the rapid global warming phenomenon. As a result, the wall of ice that surrounds the Earth (remember, is flat) is undoubtedly melting as well. And the land is ito. Fortunately, we know from science that global warming does not exist. Oof. In my opinion, Argentina, which seems to be the only country where we can see the famous ice wall, should make it a tourist attraction, capable of attracting millions of visitors. Other than that, another scientific mystery baffles me: Is Javier Miley's former makeup artist also responsible for his haircut? It's just to know.

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