Find out if you have obtained your degree at the Aix-Marseille Academy thanks to our search engine

Find out if you have obtained your degree at the Aix-Marseille Academy thanks to our search engine

College students can know from this morning if they have finished their year in style by obtaining the first diploma of their school life.

This is the first important test in their school life. Third graders will find out at the beginning of July if they have earned their certificate for the 2022-2023 academic year. The official results have been available since this morning, and France 3 Provence-Alpes invites you to consult them before going on vacation thanks to our search engine for the Aix-Marseille Academy.

Every year, approximately 850,000 candidates are registered across France. It is divided into two series (780,000 candidates in the general series and 70,000 candidates in the professional series). The 2023 patent written exams took place on Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th June and replacement hearings will take place on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th September.

In detail, written tests of French and Mathematics took place on Monday, followed by History on Tuesday, Geography, Moral and Civic Education (EMC) and Science on Tuesday. It should be noted that every year National Education offers a search engine that makes it possible to know the performance of the college in its ability to bring a student to obtain a patent.

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