Actress Gila Haas shares the basic ideas of the RAF
Jella Haase shares the basic ideas of the RAF – and wishes for ‘some kind of environmental guerrilla warfare’
Actress Haas at the Hamburg Film Festival to screen Till We Die or Be Free, in which Haas plays an independent left-wing.
Source: pa / dpa / Georg Wendt
In an interview with actress Gila Hass, she said that she believes the basic idea of the Red Army faction, which is the critique of capitalism, is correct. But it does not want to underestimate the crimes of the terrorist organization.
DrActress Gila Haas (28), best known for the role of rebel formed student Chantal Ackerman in the film trilogy “Fack ju Göthe”, spoke about the Red Army (RAF) faction in “Zeit Verbrechen” magazine. You share the basic idea of the association, specifically “Capitalism Criticism”. “Rampant capitalism and markets should be better governed by law,” Haas said. “Companies like Amazon or Google should be taxed completely differently.”
The magazine wanted to know from the actress which criminals she was interested in. Haas calls the “1UPCrew” machine gun group from Berlin, because their graffiti on the walls refers to social grievances, and the RAF. She’s working on a monologue based on RAF scripts. “The RAF has killed people, and I shouldn’t and I don’t want to underestimate that,” says Haas. “But I do share the basic idea, the critique of capitalism.”
Haas continues to say that it understands the “anger” of terrorists. When humans look back at our era 100 years from now, they will ask themselves how can one live in such a system that focuses on consumption and economic growth. Haass then formulated a bold thesis that humanity “will look at us as frankly as we look today at followers of National Socialism.”
The far-left terrorist organization RAF, founded by Andreas Bader, Jodron Inselin and Ulrike Meinhof and others in 1970, was responsible for more than 30 murders in Germany up to 1991. It has garnered nationwide attention at the latest with the kidnapping and murder of an employer. President Hans-Martin Schleer in 1977.
Haase wants a “kind of environmental guerrilla war”
In her current film Till We Die or Be Free, Haas plays a left-wing activist accused of participating in an unauthorized protest. A role Haase can partially imitate. “Breaking rules and laws in order to provide food for thought and initiate changes is justified – with climate protection, for example,” says Haas. “The illegal occupation in Hambach Forest or in the Dannenruder Forest is an example of this.”
If given the opportunity, Haase would like to enact stricter laws to protect the climate. “I like to imagine that in 50 years there will be some kind of environmental gang in power that can rebuild the ecological footprint of every person and every company,” Haas said. Then the biggest criminals of the climate go to prison.
This is not the first time that Berlin has made a political statement. In the Tagespeagle In August of last year, she said that one could no longer afford the “luxury of non-politicization” today. Specifically, it was about the actress’ contributions to social media, which drew attention to the immigrant situation on Lesbos.
In the interview, Haas said she found it “inhuman” that Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) prevented further people from taking in the Moria camp, which was burning at the time, even though the state of Berlin wanted to seize them in.
However, the actress also emphasized that political participation should not get out of hand with people in her professional group. She believes it is important that actors not “permanently mark the activist on their foreheads” so that they can continue to play everything.
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