A Dangerous Mixture: Mullahs Help Kim With Nuclear Weapons – Foreign Policy

A Dangerous Mixture: Mullahs Help Kim With Nuclear Weapons – Foreign Policy

North Korea is proceeding steadily with its nuclear program despite international sanctions!

The Kim family continued to maintain and develop its “nuclear and ballistic missile programs in violation of UN Security Council resolutions,” according to a report issued by a UN panel of experts.

Even if no nuclear or ballistic missile tests are reported in 2020, North Korea continues to produce “fissile material, maintain nuclear facilities and improve ballistic missile infrastructure.” In the meantime, she added, she is looking for materials and knowledge abroad.

Explosive: The largely isolated dictatorship seems to have found what it was looking for in Iran!

According to the United Nations, North Korea and the mullahs resumed their covert cooperation in developing long-range missiles in 2020. As part of this extremely dangerous cooperation for the global community, “essential components” of missile technology were handed over to Pyongyang, according to the report.

He seems to be laughing well: his nuclear program is developing – also thanks to help from IranPhoto: Korea Central News Agency / via Reuters

Kim’s pirates finance nuclear weapons

The nuclear program appears to be funded, among other things, by the piracy activities of North Korean intelligence directly.

Most recently, these have targeted “virtual asset channels and asset managers” and defense companies. In addition, Governor Kim Jong Un (37) has systematically circumvented UN sanctions, including the limited import of processed oil and other materials, for example by transporting goods between ships at sea.

North Korea boasts of new weapons

UN experts also confirmed in the report that the leadership in Pyongyang was showing “new ballistic missile systems with short and medium range launch capabilities and ICBMs” in the military parades.

The government also announced the testing and production of new ballistic missile warheads and the development of tactical nuclear weapons.

Kim Jong Un described the United States as ...

Kim Jong Un described the United States as the “main enemy” during the party convention in JanuaryPhoto: AP

Isolated by its nuclear weapons program, it has developed and tested different types of missiles of all ranges that can be launched from land or water for many years. It is difficult for the enemy to capture submarine missiles.

Kim's big stuff at the last military parade in January 2021

Kim’s big stuff at the last military parade in January 2021Photo: AP

How did Biden respond?

The last military parade was held in North Korea (mid-January) and before that the eight-day party conference shortly before the inauguration of the new US President Joe Biden (78) – at a time when negotiations between the United States and North Korea over its nuclear program were no longer progressing.N.

During Congress, Kim described the United States as “the main enemy.” He also announced that his country would strengthen nuclear deterrence with new weapons, including new ICBMs.

Biden’s predecessor Donald Trump failed to influence Kim’s nuclear program despite numerous meetings with Kim. It remains unclear what North Korea strategy the United States would choose under Biden.

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