Workspace team is growing

Workspace team is growing

Since 2017, Espace Emploi Formation Bozouls Comtal has developed services to fight the digital divide and support users in their daily use of new technologies.

The Espace Emploi Formation Bozouls Comtal is a place of digital resources for residents of the territory with: a digital space with free access, equipped with 5 computers, a printer and a scanner.

Two French service agents: Valérie Fraysse and Isabelle Derensy to help you with your online administrative procedures with ANTS for registration applications, driver’s license, CPAM, pension insurance, taxes, Pôle Emploi, Café and MSA. Digital Consultant. In the fall, Aurélie Alibert joined the Espace Emploi Formation team in Bozouls as a digital consultant. Aurélie’s mission is to support users in their personalization of digital tools with workshops for discovery and initiation on computers, the Internet, and security awareness on the network. Aurélie will be able to accompany you to create a mailbox, consult and/or send emails, and scan documents. It can also put you in touch with the France service agents you work with.

The first digital workshops will start on February 7 at Espace Emploi. The Job Training Center (EFS) welcomes you Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. at 1 Henri-Camviel Street in Bozouls 05 65 48 37 12.

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