Will, bank codes…: These are the arrangements made by Thomas Pesquet before he left for space

Will, bank codes…: These are the arrangements made by Thomas Pesquet before he left for space

After becoming a media darling, Thomas Pesquet became accustomed to leaving dry Earth to float in space, and his astronaut suit became like a second skin for him. At the age of 45, the man who knows the stars has twice visited the International Space Station (ISS) on long-duration missions. Often, a farewell is appropriate for the astronaut, who acknowledges that these journeys are experienced “dropouts” By those close to him, especially his wife, especially since they were his own creation.

He spoke frankly to journalist Audrey Crespo Mara about his atypical career, in the Picture of the Week program on Channel One. Thomas Pesquet, Extraterrestrial: Issue Title Seven to eight Is it far from reality? Listening to someone who knows space like the back of his hand, you’ll swear no. Like the Their backs Who travels the world, former pilotAir France He has a taste for travel. However, he controls the world from space, 400 kilometers from Earth. While the astronaut has already left twice for six months for the sake of gravity, it is the moon’s lens that now shines in his eyes.

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“I have no obligation to do this, I choose to do it.”

But who says that leaving necessarily means saying goodbye, which those close to them often face with difficulty. Especially by his wife, Anne, who, according to her, may have felt abandoned by her husband. Abandonment that Thomas Pesquet easily recognizes: “It’s kind of like giving up leaving for six months […]. She would have to stand up for herself because of something I do by choice. I have no obligation to do this, I choose to do this.” So, obviously, when an engineer gives his wife his will and banking codes before flying into space, the pill has a hard time getting off. However, at the time of take-off, Thomas Pesquet took only one personal item with him: a silver star at the end of a chain for his wife, to give to her. “Bring back a star”. A very romantic symbol for sure, but it is “Her own idea”The astronaut laughs.

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Article written in collaboration with 6Médias.

Image credits: Gerick/Jacovides/Moro/BestImage

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