What is its effect on the menstrual cycle in women according to science?

What is its effect on the menstrual cycle in women according to science?

Darwin himself tried itEstablishing a link between the menstrual cycles of women and the lunar cycles. However, if some clues and coincidences can support this hypothesis, while the full moon of March 2022 is here, then modern scholars still It is very difficult to establish a direct link between the two. A recent study by researchers from University of Würzburg in Germany and published in Science Advances, however, support this hypothesis.

March 2022 full moon: effect on the menstrual cycle?

“In many marine and some terrestrial species, reproductive behavior coincides with a particular phase of the lunar cycle (often a full or new moon). This arrangement increases reproductive success by synchronizing the reproductive behavior of individuals of the species,” the study reads.

For women, scientists began to note that the menstrual cycle lasts about 28-29 days, just like the lunar cycle. The study published by the German team more or less confirms this theory with a small difference.

According to them, human reproductive behaviors may have coincided with the moon in ancient times, but our modern lifestyles have disrupted this. Artificial lights more precisely, so the lights of computers, phones, etc. could have had an effect on our biological mechanisms.

Periods and the lunar cycle: what science says

This topic still divides the masses, but modern scholars seem to all agree: the relationship between the phases of the moon and menstrual cycles does not exist. A study conducted by the menstrual tracker app Clue states that “Looking at the data, we saw that period start dates fall randomly over the course of the month, regardless of the lunar cycle.”

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For women to have their periods at the same time as the full moon is not impossible because the moon’s cycle is about 29.5 days, and therefore it is close to the duration of the menstrual cycle. For Dr. Maria Flagic Wheeler, a data scientist at Clue, this would be purely coincidental.

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