Cérilly – The Common Space – The opening of the “Third Place” is starting to take shape

Cérilly – The Common Space – The opening of the “Third Place” is starting to take shape

Led by the Town Hall, Polymorphe corp and Le Mazier Bocage Numérique, the third-place project should see the light of day soon.

Recently, the municipality of Cirelli opened the third place. At the origin of this creation was the municipality’s project to create a co-working space (1) that it was looking for a site for. At the same time, the new notary was looking for a place to transfer his studies. A huge building that includes a clothing store and a sewing workshop located at 15 Max Dormoy Street, is for sale, the municipality has conducted a feasibility study to ensure that it will be suitable for both activities that resulted in its acquisition in September 2021.

A space designed in a participatory way

The part for the store will house the notary office while the other part, at three levels, will be devoted to the third. The various activities offered will be distributed over six rooms, three on each floor, in addition to the entrance hall where the reception will take place. Building adaptation work, budgeted in 2022, must be financed by up to 80% through subsidies. It is scheduled to open in the first half of 2023Detail of the city’s mayor, Fabian Tivino.

In order to imagine this new space in a participatory way and to publish a project as close as possible to local desires and needs, a questionnaire has been launched and the highlights will be organized throughout 2022 in order to build this project.

In fact, it will not be an extra place, not a place that competes with what has already been done in the municipality, but a place of sharing, where we can meet, share our knowledge, our desires, a place where you feel a bit like home … where everyone can have their place“Select Bony and Léo, organizers of the Polymorph Association. Body

A series of workshops on different topics

The first was highlighted from February 7 to 12 with a series of workshops for residents such as, for example, creating a model to imagine a third place in the future or helping with the use of digital technology.

Furthermore, as part of the production of a documentary on youth in Cérilly, in partnership with EHPAD La Vigne au Bois, the Polymorphe Corp Association, François Péron College, and the Cérilly Media Library, 4th students asked themselves the following questions: What was economic, commercial, social and cultural life like in the past? ? What does the region have to do with the forest? They shared the results of their research with residents in the presence of Alexandre Pisard, President of the Association of Mémoire de Cérilly and its surroundings, followed by a discussion on the city’s past and a reflection on the collective’s future prospects.

More than a hundred participants

Finally, during a survey in the village, about the future third, in small groups, the participants were invited to take three pictures. Each of them is accompanied by a brief comment. Then a workshop helped shape a gallery. The aim of this approach is to recognize places in their physical and immaterial dimensions.

In total, more than a hundred people, as well as students from the Francois Peron college, took part in the various workshops, including Robert Nicholas, 87, who came to testify about life in Cirelli in his youth.

Additional information on 06 08 32 65 70 or: [email protected]

(1) A new way of organizing work based on a co-working space.

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