Volcanic eruption in La Palma – dogs trapped in lava are secretly rescued by a team of anonymous benefactors

Volcanic eruption in La Palma – dogs trapped in lava are secretly rescued by a team of anonymous benefactors

They were thought to be missing, but the dogs stranded by the lava in La Palma were in fact evacuated by a team of anonymous benefactors, who organized their work in utmost silence, while a rescue operation was planned by a drone.

The story is worth the movie. While everyone was busy searching for the dogs stuck on a rooftop in La Palma, to begin the planned rescue, we learned on Friday, October 22nd, that they had already been evacuated by a team of benefactors who remained anonymous. Sunday was rescued.

As of Thursday, drones from Aerocamaras, which were to carry out the rescue, spotted a sign on where the dogs had disappeared. This message included: “Strength at La Palma, dogs are fine, A-team signed”. A letter, also signed as “Team A” sent to the Leales.org platform, states: “We are a team of anonymous fanciers.”

The team had to walk through the lava

To evacuate the dogs, the members of this team took all the risks. They reportedly walked through dry lava for more than 500 meters to reach the dogs’ whereabouts. This is, via a thermal camera, in order to set foot in places where the lava is colder, and equipped with protective suits. Footprints spotted by Aerocamaras confirm this hypothesis.

Good news: Many Spanish media have announced the reunion of dogs with their families. But who is this famous team? Theories merge, but the most widespread reports are that the donors are actually poachers in the area. Because you have to know the surroundings like the back of your hand to perform such a feat. The mystery remains…

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