Video.  United States: In the middle of the flight, a female passenger slapped her neighbor in the plane, because he is not wearing a mask

Video. United States: In the middle of the flight, a female passenger slapped her neighbor in the plane, because he is not wearing a mask

“Tell him to wear his mask!” exclaimed Patricia Cornwall, a passenger on a plane from Tampa, Florida to Atlanta, Georgia, US. On December 23, the young woman asked a flight attendant to help her find her seat.

Then the latter, blocking the road with her bare, suggested that she wait until the dispensing of the drink had been completed. Annoyed by this response, the passenger then compared herself to the African-American Rosa Parks, the symbol of the civil rights struggle in the United States who, in 1955, refused to give up her seat to a white man on a bus, defying racial discrimination. The laws in force at that time.

Then a neighboring passenger attending the scene points out to him that the situation is completely incomparable. The tone rises and is the beginning of an argument that ends with insults, slaps, and spitting. The story could have ended there except that Patricia Cornwall, 51, is not entirely anonymous.

The former Playboy model is also known as Patty Breton and has been spotted in “Alert in Malibu”. Police arrested Patricia Cornwall when they got off the plane and now face a $100,000 fine.

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