video.  Funny pictures of Valerie Pecresse playing rugby in New Zealand

video. Funny pictures of Valerie Pecresse playing rugby in New Zealand

Valérie Pécresse shared a video of herself playing rugby in the locker room at Eden Park, New Zealand’s legendary stadium.

Are you ready for the 2023 Rugby World Cup? Obviously Valerie Pecresse. The Ile-de-France region president has posted a video of her more than just smiling, as she makes passes with her team in the locker room of legendary rugby stadium Eden Park in New Zealand.

Valerie Pecresse is currently traveling there to promote the 2023 Rugby World Cup which will be held in France thus inviting foreign tourists to come and watch the matches within France.

During this trip, the chosen one had the opportunity to visit Eden Park and share her talents as a rugby player on her TikTok account, with background audio of “Flowers” by Miley Cyrus. A risky publicity stunt has its secret and has sparked delight on social networks.

@employee Are you ready for the Rugby World Cup 2023? : the father: #world Cup #Football #Rajab _ Al-Alamy #France #Paris #New Zealand # Australia #Regeni #fyp #for you #sports #Garden of Eden ♬ original sound – Valérie Pecresse

“don’t impersonate”

Read also:
Accused of canceling Beyoncé’s second concert, Valérie Pécresse defends herself: “I have a broad back, but you shouldn’t make fun of it”

This isn’t the first time that Valérie Pécresse has taken on extraordinary and extraordinary outings. A few weeks ago, she spoke to Beyoncé in a video posted to Tiktok to respond to the unavailability of the Stade de France where the American star was originally scheduled to perform in concert. “I have a broad back but I’m not kidding,” she said on Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s song “Crazy in Love.” Quote quickly spread on social networks.

@employee To all of Beyoncé’s fans, I have a message for you. # Beyonce #prom #Paris #idf #Stade de France #music #crazyInLove #fyp #for you #region ♬ original sound – Valérie Pecresse

Last September, Valérie Pécresse also made a questionable image choice when she tried to move up the ladder live on TV. A sequence that has been diverted several times on social networks.

Faced with frequent elevator failures in buildings in the Ile-de-France region, an association has created a floor-climbing chair

– BFM Paris Ile-de-France (BFMParis) September 25, 2022

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