Vende Globe 2024: Sodebo’s major special partner for the sixth (…]

Vende Globe 2024: Sodebo’s major special partner for the sixth (…]

Vendée agri-food, a partner in the race since 2004, has announced that it is renewing its historic participation as the main private partner of the Vende Globe, for 6And the consecutive edition.

At the same time, Sodebo is strengthening its commitment by becoming a Principal Partner in 2022 Arctic Vende and 2024 New York Vende, respectively 1Dr and the final qualifying race for Vende Globe 2024.

The success of the latest edition of the Vende Globe, which featured a closed start, epic saves and a thrilling sports scenario to the finish, only enhanced the attraction for the general public and the skipper for racing.

Edition after edition, the event continues to attract more and more contestants from all walks of life. They will have to earn their qualification during the course starting with the Arctic Vende, which will start on June 12, 2022 from Les Sables d’Olonne.


The Vende Globe 2024 begins this summer, and it is only natural that Sodebo, which has been established in Saint-Georges-de-Montaigu in Vende since its inception in 1973, will further strengthen its commitment to SAEM Vende by supporting Vende Arctique 2022.

Besides the regional connection, we find among the pillars that drive this energetic and enterprising company, today managed by the three daughters of the founders, the values ​​dear to sailing and seafarers: entrepreneurship, daring, solidarity and research. To innovate, not forgetting the fun of sharing with the general public.

These are all values ​​that resonate strongly with the culture of this family business, which has around 2,700 employees.

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Visitors will be able to discover the company’s world, commitments and products at Vende Arctique Village from 4-12 June.

Patricia Brochard, Co-Chairman of Sodebo: 24 years ago, Sodebo set out in marine racing, and two years later, as a shipowner, along with Thomas Coville, participated in the Vende Globe 2000. In the next edition we became a key partner in this legendary game, a unique race and attractive. The Vende Globe is part ofa story
a story
#a story
For our company that will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary in 2023.

Loyalty is a core value of our company. We are committed to the idea of ​​Think Long, Take Risk, and Build Fast. How do you not want to continue with this conspiracy

Incredible which highlighted exceptional, very inspiring men and women. It is no coincidence that the Vende Globe is one of the 3 most popular sporting events in France. This is clearly an asset to developing our notoriety and a formidable image for Vende.

We are proud to enrich this partnership by now also linking ourselves to the eligible courses Arctic Vende and New York Vende.

Alain Leboeuf, SAEM Vende President and Head of Vende Division: It is a pleasure to see Sodebo expand and strengthen its commitment to SAEM Vende as Principal Partner for Vende Globe, Vende Arctique and New York Vende. This Vendenne’s unwavering loyalty since 2004 is a huge asset that allows us to quietly project ourselves into the future and I would like to thank Patricia Bruchard for her trust. Now it’s up to us to gather the massive celebration that the Vende Globe represents, its qualifying races, and share it with the captains and the public.

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