Valve boss says that the brain and computer interfaces will allow you to “modify” your feelings

Valve boss says that the brain and computer interfaces will allow you to “modify” your feelings

The head of video game giant Valve says future brain and computer interfaces could change how gamers feel.

Gabe Newell thought BCIs It will soon create superior experiences of what we can perceive with only our eyes and ears.

“But that’s not where it gets weird.” Tell New Zealand 1 News. “Where it gets weird when your identity becomes adjustable through BCI.”

Newell envisions devices that detect a player’s emotions and then adjust settings to adjust their moods – such as intensifying difficulty when they are bored.

But it can also be applied to everyday aspects of our lives, from increasing our focus to changing our sleep patterns through the app.

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Valve is currently developing its BCIs. The company is behind half life And the Counter strike They run on “VR modified headbands” that developers can use to experiment with signals from the brain.

“If you were a developer in 2022 and you didn’t have one of these in your test lab, you’d be making a silly mistake,” Newell said.

However he acknowledges that BCIs are risky:

Nobody wants to say, remember Bob? Remember when Bob was hacked by Russian malware? Yeah that sucked. Still running naked through the woods?

I don’t want to end up like Bob, but the Focus Enhancer looks especially attractive during the void of inspiration in pandemic life.

Posted January 26, 2021 – 17:40 UTC

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