Uber is ordered to pay $ 1.1 million to blind riders

Uber is ordered to pay $ 1.1 million to blind riders

Irving’s attorney Adam Wolfe told CNN that Lisa Irving, a California resident, said she was denied horse riding or verbal abuse by drivers 14 times in 2016 and 2018.

Refusal of the arbitrator (UberThe argument is that they are not responsible for their drivers’ violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) because they are independent contractors.

“Whether its drivers are employees or independent contractors, Uber is nonetheless subject to ADA as a result of its contractual relationship with its drivers,” the award said.

An Uber spokesperson said the company had not approved the award and said its community guidelines prohibit drivers from banning rides. With service animals.

“We are proud that Uber technology has helped blind people get rides and regret the experience of Mrs. Irving. Drivers who use the Uber app are expected to provide service to riders with service animals, and to comply with accessibility and other laws, and we regularly provide education to drivers about,” the company said in a statement Our dedicated team considers every complaint and takes appropriate action.

In addition to being denied a ride, Irving said that some of the drivers who came to pick her up became verbally abusive towards her and her service dog Bernie, according to the award.

She claimed that some of the trips she was denied made forced her to be late to work and “contributed to her separation from her employer,” according to the award.

Irving said she felt insecure about the behavior of at least one driver, according to the award.

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“[The driver] He shouted at her to get out of his car at least fifteen times, and on one occasion she stopped to demand to go out in a dangerous area, which made her feel helpless because of his intimidation and threats, “the arbitrator wrote.

Irving filed complaints against Uber drivers, according to the ruling.

The award said: “Uber is responsible for each of these incidents under the Justice Department’s interpretation of the ADA as well as because of Uber’s contractual oversight of its drivers and for its failure to prevent discrimination by properly training its employees.”

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Irving’s attorneys filed a petition confirming the arbitration award Thursday in the San Francisco Supreme Court, According to a press release.

“Of all Americans who should be liberated by the trekking revolution, the blind and the visually impaired are among those who will benefit the most. Yet, the track record of major cruise-sharing services has been sporadic at best and overtly discriminatory at worst. Irving’s attorney, Catherine Caballo, said, “Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, a guide dog must be able to go anywhere a blind person can go.”

In 2016, Uber settled a lawsuit filed National Union of the Blind To ensure that passengers with guide dogs have equal access to transportation.

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