Tuesday October 26, saint day, birthdays and horoscopes

Today we have 66 days until the end of the year. Silvia Tovanin and Matteo Bassetti celebrate their birthday. Here is your horoscope of 12 signs.

Today Tuesday 26 October celebrates Saints Luciano and Marciano (martyrs) as well as: San Ragazziano, priest; Saint Amando, 1st Bishop of Strasbourg; San Rustico, Bishop of Narbonne; Saint Aponio, Bishop of Angouleme; St. Sheda, Bishop of London; Saint Iata, Bishop of Hexham; San Segibaldo, Bishop of Metz; Saint Albino, first bishop of Boraborg; Saint Benno, Bishop of Mortlach; San Fulco, Bishop of Pavia; Blessed Damiano Furchieri, Dominican priest; Blessed Bonaventure da Potenza, priest of a Franciscan monastery.

It’s today 299 of the year and there are 66 days left until the end of 2021.

Birthdays and anniversaries

Today is the anniversary: ​​the opening of the Erie Canal (1825); shooting OK Corral (1881); The signing of the Peace Treaty between the Kingdom of Italy and the Empire of Ethiopia in Addis Ababa (1896); Norway’s independence from Sweden (1905); The opening of the Ostensi railway station in Rome, designed by the architect Roberto Narducci (1940); The end of the Battle of Leyte Bay (1944); Trieste’s return to Italy (1954); Appointment of the Beatles as Members of the Order of the British Empire (1965); Assassination of Islamic Jihad leader Fathi Shikaki in a hotel in Malta (1995). The end of the hereditary right to vote in the British House of Lords (1999); of the US Patriot Act (2001); Jacinda Ardern’s tenure as Prime Minister of New Zealand, Youngest female Prime Minister in history (2017).

Those born on October 26th – under the sign of Scorpio – are skilled organizers of teamwork. Stubborn and stubborn, they have a great sense of responsibility and are excellent leaders. In the emotional realm, they are instead prone to squabbling over the emotion with which they live relationships.

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Their birthday is today: Andrea Bargnani. Matteo Bassetti; Michela Brambilla, Hillary Clinton; Carlo Lucarelli Silvia Tofanen.
Trilusa, George Jacques Danton, Maria Grazia Cutoli, Aldo Biscardi were also born on the 26th of October.

Today’s horoscope

Here’s how the 12 zodiac signs will spend the day according to the predictions provided by oroscopi.info. (Here is tomorrow’s horizon)


You take your love for granted, but a touch of mystery will make you more exciting and attractive. Venus, love, is on your side: it will be positive for you until the fifth of November! You can lay the foundations for a different tomorrow, it will be hard work, but you know it’s worth it. Eyes wide open for business, contracts and real estate matters. Drive with caution.


If you aspire to improve your career situation or are looking for a job, today offers you decent opportunities. Fun get-togethers with friends. The right moon for a short trip, connections with people you know but need to investigate. The commitment you place in the relationship to overcome any disagreements reveals strong affection and positive intentions.


Precious these days under Scorpio, while Mercury and Mars pass through Libra; The new fact is that the influences from outside are all positive. For example, the field of work, which includes finances, is pleasant from the three-dimensional moon of the Sun and the sextile of Uranus, the cosmic forces that make you heroes. Chefs for an evening at your home.


A day of great luck, no doubt. The moon in the sign guarantees sociability, ecstasy and successful initiatives. An ideal time to define in detail a family project, also connected to the house and to find the necessary funds. Uranus inspires you to unleash unexplored talents and potential resources. In the emotional sphere, she turns the page with great satisfaction.

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In the waiting room: waiting for the moon in your sign, Thursday with 11 o’clock coffee. A perfect day to get your mind, heart, at your desk. Why not put order into your bad habits? Thoughts. Avoid or reduce the intake of sugars and spirits, which may be responsible for annoying stomach upsets.


Alluring star brilliance that fuels the joy of life, loving kindness, charm, sensitivity, and creativity in all its forms. All of them are well mixed with a high power of seduction that guarantees success in new conquests and happiness for those who already have a partner. Use this Tuesday to master a success-oriented business project.

weight scale

Your goals are clear, you listen to other people’s ideas but don’t take them into account. Avoid making that mistake, face these last days of October with a serious commitment: Mercury and Mars in the sign point to you! The Cancer Moon makes the mood nervous, and fortunately paints a trine with the Sun; Lets you get a good shot.

the Scorpion

Mars is interesting to Scorpio, as it will be spent on a full scale in every existential sector; The professional person deserves a separate discussion. Sense of humor, openness and sensual attitudes during meetings with an interesting person. Excellent chemistry in dated relationships. A career mishap should not be an excuse to slow down the pace of services.


Fascinated by the moon in the eighth field, you throw yourself into life with determination in the face of any direct context. More than momentary situations you are interested in in the future: you prefer to focus on the prospects and opportunities for development that your career will present, for example, in the future. Serenity, finally, in the marital relationship.

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Fortunately, work, at least for you, is not a problem, especially if you work as an employee, apart from administrative responsibilities. Sure, the changes may not appeal to you, but at least it’s not up to you, to blame karma! More complications for those who enjoy their burgeoning business: You’re not too focused, stay out of sight.


If there’s something you do, as dynamic as you are, don’t bother with the clock; The key thing is to bring that pile of chores that threatens to further amplify the mountain of tasks waiting for you on your agenda. “Those who have time do not wait for time,” the grandmother ruled and in your heart you could not help but agree with her! Eat healthy food and get more sleep.


no one is perfect’. Who does not remember the script in the movie Some Like It Hot? Indeed, one cannot say that one is perfect, but there are starry days and nights that make one think of the occasional, but wonderful, perfection of situations that arise, perfect for trying to keep track of things. This is one of those days, Luna in Fifth Field is awesome and great for everything.

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