Trip in the Harz region: These places are known from movies and Netflix

Trip in the Harz region: These places are known from movies and Netflix

Langenstein near Halberstadt: cave dwellings in the ARD crime thriller “Alles Klara”

In Alles Klara, secretary Klara Degen brings a drastic change to the daily life of a chief inspector and ensures that everything runs smoothly in the Harz district. In one episode, Clara goes on a trip to the cave dwellings with her neighbor. The two found a body there. Clara and her boss begin an investigation.

Bowman’s Cave: “Baby and Tina” and “The Haunted Under the Ferris Wheel”

The Baumannshöhle area is particularly famous for one thing: massive stalactite formations. It is also the oldest show cave in Germany. The impressive atmosphere is also reflected in the films.

In the 2016 film “Baby and Tina – Girls vs. Boys”, the girls compete against exchange students from an international partner school in a treasure hunt. The final mission takes place in Bowman’s Cave.

During the era of the German Democratic Republic, parts of the film “The Haunted Under the Ferris Wheel – Castle in Danger” were filmed in the cave.

In August, the Baumannshöhle is only open on certain days. In the following months, the cave was opened more regularly. Entry fees start from €8 without a guide.

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