Toulouse.  Le Grand Bazaar: a cultural and artistic space that will open its doors soon

Toulouse. Le Grand Bazaar: a cultural and artistic space that will open its doors soon

The Grand Bazaar will open its doors on the weekend of 9 April 2022 in Toulouse.
The Grand Bazaar will open its doors over the weekend of 9 April 2022 in Toulouse. (© Yasmine Amadeo/Toulouse News)

Over the weekend of April 9, “Le Grand Bazar” will open its doors at 3 rue du Cimetière in Toulouse. The primary objective of this structure is Create links between residents and merchants In the Marengo-Jolimont region about artistic, cultural and educational activities and the organization and movement of any kind of event.

“A place for co-living at the crossroads of the arts”

Founded by Karen Shueisha and Jean-Bernard Reddit, “Le Grand Buzzard” has an area 150 square meters It will consist of three private spaces. A first room will be allocated to the different Art and animation activities This will happen.

In a second room, you can find “a space of conviviality” which will host new exhibitions as well as a small restoration by local actors.

A second cheerful one highlights the exhibits and will serve you lunchtime snacks.
A second cheerful room will highlight the exhibits and serve you lunchtime snacks. (© Yasmine Amadeo/Toulouse News)

One last space will provide rented offices for creators and artists who need more space to do their job. The private space will also contain a kitchen and a small balcony. As explained by the founders of Toulouse, the goal is to “promote the work of local people as Painters or even musicians.”

“We want the residents of the neighborhood to participate in the project and to come up with ideas. We want to make this place a place of co-living at the crossroads of the arts.”

KarenFounder of the “Grand Bazaar”

imminent opening

The opening of this new place is planned On the weekend of April 9th. Sometimes, a first inauguration will take place during from open day. In the program, visit places where there is a Art gallery With nearly six artists.

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Internships will also be created During the upcoming school holidays From April 25 to May 6. These courses will take place Monday through Friday and will be of all types: Drawing and music…

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