This is why the director of “Thor 3” almost missed the Marvel movie

This is why the director of “Thor 3” almost missed the Marvel movie

Marvel director Taika Waititi almost never got the director position for “Thor 3”. This was due to the chaotic conditions at the airport.

With “Thor: Decision Day” Manager allowed Taika Waititi He made his biggest movie to date. The New Zealand filmmaker was previously known for his smaller projects. The third “Thor” movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has sparked excitement among fans and critics. So it’s no wonder Waititi is now one of the great directors in Hollywood and is currently working on another movie for the MCU with “Thor: Love and Thunder.”

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However, it could have been completely different. Because in the new book “The Marvel Studios Story” by Tara Bennett and Paul Terry (via /Movie) tells the tale of how Waititi nearly missed “Thor 3”. The director was already one of the favorites to direct a Marvel movie, but MCU chief Kevin Feige had little time to pick the person responsible. Towards the end of this period, Waititi celebrated his birthday in Hawaii and then wanted to travel to Los Angeles to present his idea for Thor. Unfortunately, he found that it was his own I forgot my passport in the bagwho was already on his way to New Zealand. There are more interesting facts about the MCU in the video:

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The Disney movie “Vayana” saved the situation

Without the doc, of course, he couldn’t get on the plane to meet Feige on the last possible day. While searching for a way to identify himself, Waititi finds a letter from Disney that he received while working on the animated movie “Vayana – Paradise Has a Hook”. Waititi was responsible for the first version of the script. Together with the letter, he was able to explain to the security staff at the airport that his passport is in another suitcase. Fortunately, the staff were fans of the Disney movie and were able to confirm Waititi’s identity.

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Without that happy circumstance, Thor 3 certainly wouldn’t exist in this form, as well as the director’s other great films. Filming for the fourth movie, Thor, is now complete. In the Marvel movie, Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) becomes Mighty Thor for the first time alongside Thor (Chris Hemsworth). Guardians of the Galaxy will be there, too. Marvel fans can look forward to a huge cinematic scene. Thor: Love and Thunder will be released in the US today July 8, 2022 Start.

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