The strange powers of ecstasy on the brain were studied at university

The strange powers of ecstasy on the brain were studied at university

Written by Annick Kogen

Posted today at 5:45 AM, updated at 10:31 AM

It’s a scene no one should attend if they don’t participate in the group or if they don’t start. An intimate scene in which everyone moves, expresses, dances, laughs, cries, crawls, moved by a force that escapes his mind and accepts for a moment, not control. Powered by electronic sounds coming out of large speakers. free to be a stone, or a wind, or a tree, or an animal… A woman feels like she is on a horse, running on boundless plains; Another, immersed in the ocean, hears the cries of a whale. a man sits with his back against the wall and laughs loudly as he grabs his ribs; A girl with a crooked face glimpses the face of her dead father and the face of her grandfather. A fellow swinging his arms like a gorilla in the heart of a lush forest. A woman doing tai chi moves while screaming like a samurai. Another, intrigued, sees eyes on the trunks of giant sequoia. Another, smiling, zigzagged smoothly among her companions. You will tell, Imperial Eagle, that she flew over the mountains and felt the wind on the feathers of her outstretched wings…

trance. Few of the well-known disciplines, long restricted to the ethnology or esoteric departments of libraries, are yet separate from science. However … here at Université Paris VIII Introduction courses on trances and altered states of consciousness are opening, the first of their kind in the world. This teaching, which begins on Monday, November 22, is intended only for professionals in the medical and paramedical worlds. Thus Paris-VIII outperforms American universities – notably Berkeley -, however anxious they may be about innovation, and long interested in searching for trances, especially when they are caused by the psychotropic substances prevalent in California.

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Symptoms of major societal change

There are no chemicals involved in trance taught at the French university. No ritual, of course. It would be a subjective trance, in the service of medicine, and taught only to healers, as it would potentially be able to correct health problems. In short, something new. All eyes are on this ground-breaking program which attests to the passion for the discipline. “swell”, Summarizes Antoine Beuyi, Professor of Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology, responsible for these diplomas (University Diploma and Postgraduate Diploma).

Once the registration was opened, dozens of applications poured in from everywhere, including other countries in Europe and America: general practitioners, neurologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, researchers … Professor Pewe sees it all. “Evidence of a new openness to ‘complementary’ medicines and symptoms of significant change in society. For decades continue, He considered that medicine was defined by an external contribution to the individual. Today, we finally admit that a person has within him the resources that allow him to organize operations himself. And that the role of medicine is to reveal these buried energies of the individual.”

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