The Spanish contender was hit by a damaged American boat before the Grand Final (video).

The Spanish contender was hit by a damaged American boat before the Grand Final (video).

A severe blow to the US SailGP team whose boat was damaged before the Grand Final in San Francisco. During the first regatta of the day, contested by very unstable winds in terms of strength and direction, Jimmy Spiethel and his crew were injured on the port side by a Spanish F50 attacking buoy.

Barcelona captain Jordi Zammar and five sailors had to throw the towel at the twoAnd the Regatta today just like the Americans who partially destroyed their pontoon port in the back. Their team made a quick temporary fix so that F50 US could start the Grand Final of the SailGP season scheduled for 3:04pm (00:04am in France) which it qualified for along with the Australian and Australian. Japanese.

A clash with the French too

Tom Slingsby and the Australians won the last two semi-finals. 4be From the first race of the day, the French finished the 2021-2022 season at 6And the Great place and fear because they were also victims of a collision with New Zealanders. While crossing with the English boat, Quentin Delabier and his crew wanted to pass behind the latter, but the Kiwi F50, which was about to jump, forgot the French boat and crashed into it on the port side. No serious damage or injury.

Race results 4
1- Australia / Tom Slingsby
2- New Zealand / Peter Berling
3- Great Britain / Ben Ainsley
4- France / Quentin Delabier
5- United States / Jimmy Spiethl
6- Japan / Nathan Outridge
7- Denmark / Nikolai Siehsted
8- Spain / Jordi Zammar (DNF)

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Race results 5
1- Australia / Tom Slingsby
2- Great Britain / Ben Ansley
3- New Zealand / Peter Berling
4- Japan / Nathan Outridge
5- Denmark / Nikolai Sisted
6- France / Quentin Delabert
DNF – USA / Jimmy Spiethl

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