The same vaccine, but you can’t go in: appears yellow streaked

The same vaccine, but you can’t go in: appears yellow streaked

When you are from San Marino, you can enter Italy without problems and thanks to the comprehensive vaccination with the Russian Sputnik vaccine, the same fate is not limited to those coming from Russia: Those traveling from Moscow, Saint Petersburg or other places in the infinite Russian lands will have to show a negative molecular swab certificate that was taken in the last 48 hours but are, in any case, subject to a 10-day credit isolation.

Russian puzzle

It was a reader of the Giornale, who lives in Russia, who pointed out this peculiarity: if he wanted to return to Italy, he could do it only with great difficulty, unlike what happens in the small country within the Italian territories. We documented what was reported. “Safe travelOur reader is right and we explain why: the current Italian legislation governing arrivals from abroad is in effect from May 16 to July 31 and sets out five lists of countries to which different measures apply.Cast “aOnly a portion San Marino And the Vatican City that “For now, there are no travel restrictions“This means that San Marino residents can move freely in Italy without showing any certificate or smear. On the other hand, list B includes.”Countries and territories with low epidemic risk to be identified, among those indicated in List C, by an order approved in accordance with Article 49, Paragraph 2 of the Prime Minister’s Decree of March 2, 2021. Currently, no country has been included in this List“.

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Why does not Russia appear?

Let’s go and see which countries are inList c“The mystery deepens: 35 countries on the European continent, almost all of them, but Russia is not there: As far as we know, the epidemiological situation in the Russian territories is under control at an average of 10,000 cases per day., More or less than what we have in Italy. The list, from Austria to Norway via Cyprus and Andorra, ‘It allows movements without the need for propulsionThe only thing you need to have is a negative molecular or antigenic swab done in the past 48 hours. Only if you cannot provide this certification, only in this case you will have to undergo a 10-day credit isolation and do a molecular or antigen test At the end of that period, but in Russia in general where is she? Going to seeList “Dr.“We read that those coming from Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, Rwanda, Singapore, the United States and Thailand,”As for Italian law, travel to / from these countries is permitted without the need for a payer (subject to any restrictions imposed in Italy at the regional level)“.

Unequal Judgment: Possible Causes

All that remains isCast “E“, where is the”Rest of the world, i.e. all states and territories not explicitly mentioned in the other listsTherefore, Russia is on this list with the highest restrictions. “Travel to / from the rest of the world is only permitted in presence Flour Reasons, such as: reasons for work, health or studies, absolute urgency, return to home, home, or residence. Therefore, it is not permitted to travel for the purpose of tourismOur reader, as well as Russian and Italian citizens residing in Russia, should not only have a proven reason, but in the event of departure, they still have to show a negative test taken in the past 72 hours andIn any case, subject to credit isolation and health monitoring“.

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Why is this discrepancy Therapy If the Russian vaccine used in San Marino, Sputnik V, is also (obviously) used in Russia? Perhaps, in a very simple way, because San Marino is in Italy and the government does not treat residents as those who need three hours of flight to get to our country; Or because San Marino is a small community, already believing in the vaccine, to the point that “vaccine tourism” has started for those coming from abroad (not for Italians) which includes a hotel + vaccine package. In any case, our hypotheses are just hypotheses: as long as the Italian ministry does not justify the option to exclude Russia from safe countries, the mystery deepens.

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