The press reported that Prince Charles was “horrified” by the deportation of immigrants to Rwanda

The press reported that Prince Charles was “horrified” by the deportation of immigrants to Rwanda

The heir to the British crown fears this decision will cast a shadow over the Commonwealth meeting to be held on June 20 in Rwanda, where he will represent his mother, Queen Elizabeth II.

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This will not please Boris Johnson, who narrowly saved his position. Prince Charles’ rule “appalling” The British government’s plan to return migrants who have illegally arrived in the UK to Rwanda, reported on Saturday 11 June daily times (article in english).

A source told the newspaper that he had heard the 73-year-old prince several times privately express his opposition to this policy aimed at deterring illegal crossings of the English Channel by migrants, whose number is still increasing.

The heir to the British crown said that he was particularly embarrassed by this topic, fearing that it would overshadow the Commonwealth meeting to be held on June 20 in Rwanda, where he will represent his mother, Queen Elizabeth II. Clarence House, who manages Prince Charles’ communications, has not denied these statements and insisted on the political neutrality of the heir to the throne.

A first flight carrying about 30 asylum-seekers who arrived illegally in the UK is due to start on Tuesday, after legal measures taken by refugee defense associations failed on Friday. Prime Minister Boris Johnson welcomed the court ruling, saying the strategy would help “To break the business model of these ruthless criminals”.

However, the complainants, including the Care4Calais and Detention Action associations, appealed, which will be heard on Monday, on the eve of the first planned trips.

Although Prince Charles has expressed his views on various topics during his life, his interventions in controversial issues have become rare in recent years, as he prepares to succeed his mother, Elizabeth II, 96.

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