The ouster of Blaise Cheney confirms Donald Trump’s absolute control of the Republican Party

The ouster of Blaise Cheney confirms Donald Trump’s absolute control of the Republican Party

Liz Cheney, elected from Wyoming in Washington, May 12, 2021.

Donald Trump won his case. The Republican Party withdrew from Liz Cheney (Wyoming), after an internal unopposed vote, for his title number three in the Conservative Minority Leadership in the House of Representatives, Wednesday 12 May. This outcome was to be expected, given the conflicting positions that this minority leader, Kevin McCarthy (California), defended under pressure from the former White House tenant and daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney (2001-2009).

Since voting in favor of Donald Trump’s indictment for his role in the attack some of his supporters led against the Capitol Building on January 6 to prevent the results from being approved, Liz Cheney has militated against the prime minister’s conviction. ‘Big lie’ This constitutes, in her view, the conspiracy theory formulated by the former businessman. The latter, in fact, supports the idea that massive electoral fraud kept him from being reelected. The position championed by the elected Wyoming representative earned him regular attacks and public insults by Donald Trump.

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Back on Tuesday, Liz Cheney spoke on the bike to make sure she didn’t « [resterait] We do not stand still while others lead our party on a path that abandons the rule of law and joins the former president’s crusade to undermine our democracy. “. After the Republican congregation’s rule fell, being booed by some of her peers, Liz Cheney kept promising to do so. “It’s all in [son] The power to ensure that the former president never approaches the Oval Office again..

Appeasement strategy

Initially tough on Donald Trump for his stance during the congressional assault, Kevin McCarthy initially supported Liz Cheney, like the strong majority of elected Republicans, during his first secret ballot consultation, in February. But Donald Trump’s pressure on the subject of the stolen elections, in defiance of the facts, forced the Republican minority leader gradually to change his mind and align himself without reservations on his positions, while on the contrary, Liz isolate Cheney herself due to her stubbornness. Kevin McCarthy hopes to become the next speaker of the House of Representatives if the old grand party wins the midterm elections in November 2022.

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Silence and ignoring a lie encourages a liar.Reassured Liz Cheney, Tuesday evening. The appeasement strategy toward the former president, whom senior Republican officials had chosen to be able to focus their attacks on Joe Biden’s political options, did not dissuade Donald Trump from abandoning the conspiracy theory. exactly the contrary. In a press release published on May 10, he questioned again about the results in Michigan, while a controversial recount – which he fully supports, despite having no legal value for it – is already underway in Arizona.

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